Friday, February 12, 2010

Leaving Araby and things to come

Troops! Let’s chat some happenings around the Berry College way, yeah? Just a bit ago we had a rather lovely concert that opened up with the stylings of our very own alumni duo of Jon Gill and Jonah Williams. Forgive the fact that this is late, I caught some epic strep throat. On my birthday. And didn’t get up for five days. 21
st birthday FAIL.

I’ll be the first to admit that pretty acoustic stuff about girls doesn’t normally get me excited, but Mr. Gill seems to have some serious talent going on for him. He’s got a strong, not overly folksy voice that really suits his music and Jonah knows how to coax some of the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard out of a pedal steel. Glorious. I have some pretty crappy footage of them covering John Mayer’s “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” because that song destroys my life and I couldn’t help myself.

Taking the stage after them were some Athens kids (represent!) calling themselves Leaving Araby. The fliers all over campus had been comparing them to The Fray for a couple weeks so I wasn’t super excited, but upon hearing them, I don’t quite agree with the signage. I agree that they were a little soft around the edges and had a chill vibe at times, but live they weren’t piano driven. Or boring. Nothing against our friends in The Fray, there’s just only so many contrived, twinkly melodies I want on one album.

They were pleasantly danceable – so I did – and their singer had some lovely flaily guitar moves that immediately won my heart. So cheers to Leaving Araby, they were personable and looked like they actually wanted to be playing to a room of college kids who needed something to do before the house parties started – a feat that many wouldn’t be able to pull off.

In other news, there’s another show going on tonight, hooray! This one’s in Ford auditorium and has Jon and Jonah again, but the headliner is Devidasa with some excellent drum circle world music goodness. A heads-up for those who aren’t really the crunchy music type, this might not be your scene. There will be some seriously heady people out tonight along with the more mainstream kids to enjoy the awesome, so just be aware.

And tomorrow there’s a free benefit concert with a collection going up for Haiti. It’s at 7 pm in the College Chapel and we’re gonna be seeing Decemberadio and Seventh Day Slumber, so it’s a jam packed musical weekend at Berry College. Throw up those rock fists, my friends.

In other news, the snow is coming down! It’s winter wonderland-tastic outside and we’re snowed in at the costume shop today. I say we’re snowed in… it’s more like our boss is away and we’re working on dance concert pieces while doing princess themed mad libs out of a coloring book. Thank the lord for Friday.

More later, kids, I have some fun new fashiony things for us to play with. Spoiler alert: it involves shiny faux leather AND rhinestones. Not to be taken lightly. But you guys are great, we’ll play again soon!

Now playing: I'm Not Over - Carolina Liar