Saturday, May 30, 2009

Meanwhile, in other parts of the world...

There are some pretty fun things happening out in the great, wide world today. Today's piece of fun can be found at a fashion show that is, surprisingly, in Salt Lake City. Not to imply that the SLC isn't a super hip place (I've never been, personally) I just wasn't expecting the level of awesome that I found there.

Today, at exactly 8pm - I would suggest arriving earlier to be polite - is the Sylvia Heisel Fusion fashion show featuring the dancers of SLC's Ballet West. Her collection will be on display as well as pieces created by local artists that are centered around pointe shoes. Some of the pieces are decorated shoes while others are mixed media, but all of them are quite different and rather stunning. I personally really enjoyed the stained glass shoes and the pretty metallic jeweled ones. Unfortunately both of these are sold because we all know that I have an extra $3600 just burning a hole in my pocket right now.

On the other side of things Ms. Heisel is quite the lucky and talented lady. She's been designing since basically forever and was kinda discovered by a Bendel's buyer who just so happened to see her in a homemade coat at a club. Maybe this should be my strategy. She likes mixing futuristic elements with vintage and raw silk materials with acid colors. She made a fabulous Kevlar dress in a rather startling yellow that was quite the hit and also designed for a period musical starring Madonna. (As a side note, I get to build garments for a period show in the fall - is anybody else as psyched as I am about this?)

Suffice it to say that I'm at home helping with the moving sale instead of at a fashion show, but hopefully our day will come. And now I must go back to work, yard sale people can get vicious. But updates on the Indiosyncracy clothing line are coming soon!

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